The Milpitas Police Activities League understands that we have the opportunity to influence a child’s life through sport, enabling them to grow up to be a strong, independent man or woman. Youth participating in sports have opportunity to develop life skills that can lead to being better contributors to society as adults. Specifically, our players will develop leadership skills, communication skills, be better team players, be fit, healthy, and confident. We hope that youth participating in our program will fall in love with rugby, live healthy lives, and grow up to be contributing patrons of society. Rugby is an international game played in over 120 countries worldwide by over six million people. It is a game based on camaraderie, pride, and respect — a culture shared throughout the world. Rugby is currently the fastest growing sport in the United States and a growing number of colleges are offering scholarships to come play and study on their campuses. Milpitas PAL is committed to opening this door of opportunity for local youth.